Join us on the last Friday of every month!
A discussion between scientists, health professionals, educators, and pain advocates on a myriad of topics related to chronic pain. Offering a platform for innovative minds to bring forward inspiring ideas and discover solutions to help you in your practice.
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National Pain Round Archive
Introducing National Pain Rounds for Trainees! See the Schedule >
Exclusive access to full National Pain Rounds and Pain Rounds for Trainees session videos will be granted first to our valued members. Our broader audience can enjoy complete sessions one month after recording date. Want to rewatch sessions right away? Become a Member.
National Pain Rounds and other virtual events are NOT Medical Advice. These are discussions between scientists, health professionals, educators, and pain advocates. The views, opinions, and commentary of the presenters are for information purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider before making any changes to your healthcare regimen.
January, 2025
January, 2025
Mind the Mind: Psychosocial Treatments as a Standard of Care in Paediatric Transitional Pain Services
Abirami Kandasamy
Kyla Dickson
Fatima Di Valentin
Susan Carter
November, 2024
November, 2024
Exploring Daily Fluctuations in Pain Experience – The CircaPain Project
Bradley Kerr
Jennifer Daly-Cyr
Doriana Taccardi
Hailey Gowdy
Nader Ghasemlou
Norm Buckley
October, 2024
October, 2024
The Role of Inflammation in Development of Chronic Post Surgical Pain (Less is Not Always Better)
David Clinkard
October, 2024
October, 2024
Physiotherapy: Leading Action Towards Better Pain Management and Rehabilitation
John Pereira
Dominique Gilbert
Arthur Woznowski-Vu
Krissy Bell
September, 2024
September, 2024
Understanding Women’s Pain: What a Gender Lens Adds to Qualitative Pain Research
Jennifer Daly-Cyr
Therese Lane
Kathleen Rice
Joy MacDermid
Helene Berman
Pain Education for Professionals and Trainees
Introducing the First National Health Standard for Pediatric Pain Management
The new pediatric pain management health standard was developed in partnership between Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) and the Health Standards Organization. It is the first of its kind in Canada and globally, and responds to recommendations in Health Canada’s Action Plan for Pain in Canada (March 2021). The new pediatric pain management health standard provides guidance to health organizations on quality and equitable pediatric pain management across hospital settings that provide inpatient, procedural, and/or outpatient pain management services to children from birth to 19 years less one day. This presentation and discussion will introduce attendees to the pediatric pain management health standard structure and content, its development process, and its intended impact. Speakers include health professionals, standard development experts, and people with lived experience who contributed directly to the development of the pediatric pain management standard.
National Pain Rounds Archive
National Pain Rounds and other virtual events are NOT Medical Advice. These are discussions between scientists, health professionals, educators, and pain advocates. The views, opinions, and commentary of the presenters are for information purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider before making any changes to your healthcare regimen.
Our National Pain Rounds Committee
Our National Pain Rounds Committee is made up of experienced healthcare professionals who strive to uphold and maintain the integrity of the Canadian Pain Society as dedicated volunteers.

Dr. John Xavier Pereira
Previous President of the Canadian Pain Society, previous President of the Pain Society of Alberta, and a Founding Co-Chair of the Alberta Pain Strategy. He is a past Ronald Melzack Fellow of the McGill Pain Center and has spoken on the topic of chronic pain both nationally and internationally, including at the Centers for Disease Control, ANZCA Auckland, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the Mayo Clinic. He represented Western Canada on the committee of physicians who wrote our country’s National Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia. Dr. John Pereira was the physician lead of FibroFOCUS, an interdisciplinary chronic pain program that won a 2016 Patient Experience Award from the Health Quality Council of Alberta. He was a member of the Canadian Pain Task Force's External Advisory Panel and a current member of Pain Canada's National Advisory Council. He has personally visited more than sixty pain clinics worldwide to learn best practices.

Dr. Helena Daudt
Director of Education at Pain BC/Pain Canada. She leads Pain BC/Pain Canada’s educational initiatives including Making Sense of Pain, a self-management program designed for people living with pain, who experience marginalization and face barriers to accessing care and support. As an educator and researcher, Dr Daudt has been supporting healthcare improvement through patient engagement and knowledge exchange in different settings. She is also a person living with chronic pain and brings the lived experience lens to the work she does. Dr Daudt is passionate about building capacity among people with lived experience, their support network, and healthcare providers to ensure people receive high-quality care and experience the best quality of life possible.

Dr. Bradley Kerr
Dr. Bradley Kerr received his BSc in Psychology from McGill University. He then went on to obtain a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of London-King’s College in the UK. His PhD research was aimed at understanding the role of novel modulatory peptides, growth factors and pro-inflammatory cytokines in persistent pain. Dr. Kerr went on to do postdoctoral work at the California Institute of Technology and at McGill University where his work focused on studying inflammatory responses after nervous system injury. Dr. Kerr joined the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the University of Alberta in 2007 and is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Psychiatry. The focus of research in his lab is aimed at addressing the mechanisms of chronic pain after injury or disease with a major focus on chronic pain associated with Multiple Sclerosis.

Dr. Eugene Maida
Assistant Clinical Professor in the Departments of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) with a cross appointment in the Department of Anesthesia at McMaster University. Dr. Maida is a physiatrist and interventional pain physician with a special interest in spine and musculoskeletal medicine. He completed his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and later completed subspecialty training in the Pain Medicine residency program under the Department of Anesthesia at McMaster University. He has also completed a sports medicine research fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, with a focus on Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal and Peripheral Nerve Interventions, as well as his diplomat in Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician through the Canadian Academy of Sports and Exercise Medicine (CASEM). Dr. Maida is currently the Medical Director of the Michael G. DeGroote pain clinic at McMaster University and Head of Service at Hamilton Health Sciences for Pain Behaviours for the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. In addition to being the co-chair of National Pain Rounds for trainees, Dr. Maida is also part of the National Pain Rounds Committee.

Dr. Tania Di Renna
Dr. Tania Di Renna, Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, completed her medical school and Anesthesiology residency training in Ottawa. She obtained a chronic pain fellowship at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto and has spinal cord stimulation training from Montreal Neurological Institute. She is currently the Medical Director of the Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute (TAPMI). TAPMI is the comprehensive interdisciplinary academic pain program serving as the hub for chronic pain care in Toronto. She is also the Medical Director of the Chronic Pain Clinic at Women’s College Hospital and an Anesthesiologist at UHN. She served as the co-chair of the HQO Guidelines for Chronic Pain, is currently the co-chair of the Ontario Chronic Pain Network and Ontario Representative for Pain Canada.

Jennifer Daly-Cyr
Jennifer’s professional background is in marketing and strategic planning in higher education. Since a sudden onset of severe abdominal pain, she has been on a journey of learning to live with persistent acute episodes of pain and adapting to the dramatic changes this has brought to her daily life. She has leveraged her skills and experience to advocate, collaborate and share her perspective as a person with lived experience/patient partner/advisor with national and provincial pain research initiatives and projects, including with the Chronic Pain Network, Pain Ontario and the Canadian Pain Society. She advocates for the incorporation of the lived experience perspective into research, broadened awareness of chronic pain, improving understanding about the value of patient engagement in research and for improved access to health care and support for people living with pain.

Dr. Eugene Maida
Assistant Clinical Professor in the Departments of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) with a cross appointment in the Department of Anesthesia at McMaster University. Dr. Maida is a physiatrist and interventional pain physician with a special interest in spine and musculoskeletal medicine. He completed his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and later completed subspecialty training in the Pain Medicine residency program under the Department of Anesthesia at McMaster University. He has also completed a sports medicine research fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, with a focus on Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal and Peripheral Nerve Interventions, as well as his diplomat in Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician through the Canadian Academy of Sports and Exercise Medicine (CASEM). Dr. Maida is currently the Medical Director of the Michael G. DeGroote pain clinic at McMaster University and Head of Service at Hamilton Health Sciences for Pain Behaviours for the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Maida has worked as a team physician with the McMaster University varsity soccer and football teams, Canadian Junior National Basketball Team (NEDA) and is currently the Head Team Physician for the Hamilton Tiger Cats (CFL). Dr. Maida is also actively involved in resident and medical school education. He currently serves as Section Coordinator for pain medicine teaching in the department Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Education Coordinator for the Pain Medicine residency program under the department of Anaesthesia. Dr. Maida is also the current Chair of the Anesthesia pain rounds, and Lecturer for undergraduate introductory pain session for McMaster University medical students. In addition to being the co-chair of National Pain Rounds for trainees, Dr. Maida is also part of the National Pain Rounds Committee.
Dr. David Clinkard
Dr. Clinkard is an anesthesiologist and pain medicine specialist based in Kingston Ontario. He did his anesthesia training at University of Toronto and his Pain Medicine residency at McMaster. Currently his research and clinical interests focus on peripheral joint pain and its treatments.
Our Trainee Chairs
A platform for innovative minds to bring forward inspiring ideas and discover solutions to help you in your mentorship programs.
Providing educational resources for learners in efforts to prepare the next generation of pain management clinicians for the full scope of practice opportunities, from basic science research transitioning into clinical practice.