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Experts by Experience, Advocating for Canadians who Live with Pain

People with Lived Experience sharing their stories, advice and strategies for managing pain help raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by those living with chronic pain. Additionally, they also participate in our ongoing research projects and bring their unique perspective to our Board, Committees, and Leadership Teams.

Our Person with Lived Experience Awards and Scholarships are Open!


Prix du leadership de la personne avec une expérience vécue de la douleur

Le Prix du leadership de la Personne avec une expérience vécue de la douleur reconnaît les réalisations exceptionnelles en recherche, en éducation ou en développement communautaire des personnes ayant une expérience vécue de la douleur* au Canada.

​Ce prix inclut

  1. Voyage en classe économique à la Réunion Scientifique Annuelle de la SCD (jusqu’à 1000,00$)¹

  2. Transport terrestre (par ex. navette, frais de taxi) et frais accessoires (jusqu’à 100,00$)¹

  3. Trois (3) nuits d'hébergement à l'hôtel de la réunion scientifique¹

  4. Inscription gratuite à la réunion scientifique 2025

  5. Plaque commémorative

¹ Basé sur la rubrique PCORI des patients partenaires y compris les personnes ayant une expérience vécue de la douleur, les membres de la famille et les soignants.

² Les fonds ne peuvent pas être utilisés pour rémunérer les stagiaires. La durée de ces bourses est d'un an, mais une prolongation d'un an peut être accordée sur demande si nécessaire.  Ce financement ne couvre pas les coûts indirects.


  1. La Personne avec une expérience vécue de la douleur* doit avoir fait preuve de sescontributions exceptionnelles en recherche sur la douleur, en éducation ou dans desactivités de mobilisation de la communauté.


Toutes les candidatures, soumises en français ou en anglais, doivent inclure :

  1. Compléter le formulaire en ligne

  2. Une lettre de nomination signée par un.e membre régulier.è re de la SCD et par un.e représentant.e d’une organisation communautaire (par exemple mais non limité aux organisations ou groupes locaux, provinciaux ou nationaux offrant des services ou de l’éducation aux personnes de la communauté), qui décrit la personne nommée, ses contributions et son impact sur la recherche sur la douleur, l’éducation ou le développement communautaire, et tout autre réalisation antérieure pertinente, le cas échéant

  3. Tous les documents doivent être combinés et téléchargés dans un seul fichier PDF.

  4. Les fichiers ne peuvent pas dépasser 30 Mo.

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Ce programme est financé par Santé Canada. Les opinions exprimées ici ne représentent pas nécessairement celles de Santé Canada.

Nous vous remercions d'avoir soumis votre candidature. Nous prendrons contact avec eux au sujet de leur candidature.

Note:  Please upload a single PDF file that does not exceed 25MB.

Do you have lived experience with chronic pain¹?
Will you be attending our 2025 Annual Meeting with your primary role being PWLE?
Have you submitted an abstract as a part of a scientific symposium?
Does your panel offer funding to support your attendance?
Does your letter outline your willingness to engage in the CPS meetng in a meaningful way?
Does your application outline your impact with pain advocacy?
Have you received a CPS travel award in the past 3 years?
I am requesting funding for

Soumettez votre candidature pour la bourse de recherche pour stagiaires

Veuillez compiler et soumettre un document PDF contenant les critères souhaités pour chaque prix.

Prix du leadership de la personne avec une expérience vécue de la douleur

Le Prix du leadership de la Personne avec une expérience vécue de la douleur reconnaît les réalisations exceptionnelles en recherche, en éducation ou en développement communautaire des personnes ayant une expérience vécue de la douleur* au Canada.

​Ce prix inclut

  1. Voyage en classe économique à la Réunion Scientifique Annuelle de la SCD (jusqu’à 1000,00$)¹

  2. Transport terrestre (par ex. navette, frais de taxi) et frais accessoires (jusqu’à 100,00$)¹

  3. Trois (3) nuits d'hébergement à l'hôtel de la réunion scientifique¹

  4. Inscription gratuite à la réunion scientifique 2025

  5. Plaque commémorative

¹ Basé sur la rubrique PCORI des patients partenaires y compris les personnes ayant une expérience vécue de la douleur, les membres de la famille et les soignants.

² Les fonds ne peuvent pas être utilisés pour rémunérer les stagiaires. La durée de ces bourses est d'un an, mais une prolongation d'un an peut être accordée sur demande si nécessaire.  Ce financement ne couvre pas les coûts indirects.


  1. La Personne avec une expérience vécue de la douleur* doit avoir fait preuve de sescontributions exceptionnelles en recherche sur la douleur, en éducation ou dans desactivités de mobilisation de la communauté.


Toutes les candidatures, soumises en français ou en anglais, doivent inclure :

  1. Compléter le formulaire en ligne

  2. Une lettre de nomination signée par un.e membre régulier.è re de la SCD et par un.e représentant.e d’une organisation communautaire (par exemple mais non limité aux organisations ou groupes locaux, provinciaux ou nationaux offrant des services ou de l’éducation aux personnes de la communauté), qui décrit la personne nommée, ses contributions et son impact sur la recherche sur la douleur, l’éducation ou le développement communautaire, et tout autre réalisation antérieure pertinente, le cas échéant

  3. Tous les documents doivent être combinés et téléchargés dans un seul fichier PDF.

  4. Les fichiers ne peuvent pas dépasser 30 Mo.

Virginia McIntyre 

I am involved with CPS because I am committed to advocating for improving the quality of lives of the many Canadians living with pain and provides an opportunity to learn and work with some of the most incredible researchers, scientists and PWLE. 

I am involved with CPS because I am committed to advocating for improving the quality of lives of the many Canadians living with pain and provides an opportunity to learn and work with some of the most incredible researchers, scientists and PWLE.

I am involved with CPS because I am committed to advocating for improving the quality of lives of the many Canadians living with pain and provides an opportunity to learn and work with some of the most incredible researchers, scientists and PWLE. 


Jennifer Daly-Cyr 

Vice Chair, Ontario

A part of the People with Lived Experience Committee, Scientific Planning Committee, National Pain Round Committee

Seeing an opportunity to make an impact on meaningfully integrating PWLE into the CPS is why I chose to get involved. It takes time and effort to move the dial and we are getting there, one step at a time.

Seeing an opportunity to make an impact on meaningfully integrating PWLE into the CPS is why I chose to get involved.  It takes time and effort to move the dial and we are getting there, one step at a time.


Therese Lane


A part of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee.

My 'why' is coming soon

My 'why' is coming soon


Sandra Woods


A part of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee.

Struck with CRPS in 2016, while working in bioethics, my research background led to learning about pain and volunteering as Patient Partner (co-author) in chronic pain projects and educational initiatives. Involved in Canadian and international activities, I’m a PWLE with CPS since the 2018 ASM/conference, military veteran, and artist. #ArtDespitePain

Struck with CRPS in 2016, while working in bioethics, my research background led to learning about pain and volunteering as Patient Partner (co-author) in chronic pain projects and educational initiatives. Involved in Canadian and international activities, I’m a PWLE with CPS since the 2018 ASM/conference, military veteran, and artist. #ArtDespitePain


Lesley Singer


A part of the Scientific Planning Committee.

I volunteer my time to the CPS in order to give the voice of the lived experience to the scientific review committee as well as to overall feel part of the solution in improving the management of chronic pain

I volunteer my time to the CPS in order to give the voice of the lived experience to the scientific review committee as well as to  overall feel part of the solution in improving the management of chronic pain


Emeralda Burke


A part of the Awards and Grants Committee.

My 'why' is coming soon

My 'why' is coming soon


Carley Ouellette


A part of the Scientific Planning Committee.

My 'why' is coming soon

My 'why' is coming soon


Vina Mohabir


A part of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee.

My 'why' is coming soon

My 'why' is coming soon


Patricia Simmons

New Brunswick

A part of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee.

Living with multiple chronic pain conditions and having witnessed many relatives and friends experience chronic pain, I attended a webinar in which Therese Lane and Emeralda Burke spoke about their lived experience of chronic pain, thereby stumbling upon the CPS and the community of people working in the field of pain; I want to be part of the CPS to learn about pain research and I volunteer my time on the EDI Committee to address systemic inequities.

Living with multiple chronic pain conditions and having witnessed many relatives and friends experience chronic pain, I want to be part of the CPS to learn about pain research and I volunteer my time on the EDI Committee to address systemic inequities.



Lauryn Seguin


A part of the People with Lived Experience Committee.

I volunteer because I’m passionate about contributing to our community and making a positive impact through collaborative efforts, and using my experience living with Chronic Pain.

I volunteer because I’m passionate about contributing to our community and making a positive impact through collaborative efforts, and using my experience living with Chronic Pain.



Janice Sumpton


A part of the Scientific Program Committee.

I love using my lived experience to contribute to the Scientific Program Committee and staying current with pain research in Canada.

I love using my lived experience to contribute to the Scientific Program Committee and staying current with pain research in Canada.



Natasha Trehan


A part of the Communication's Committee.

As a member of the Canadian Pain Society (CPS), I am dedicated to advocating for better pain management and supporting those living with chronic pain. Volunteering with CPS allows me to give back to a community that is as passionate about chronic pain management as I am.

As a member of the Canadian Pain Society (CPS), I am dedicated to advocating for better pain management and supporting those living with chronic pain. Volunteering with CPS allows me to give back to a community that is as passionate about chronic pain management as I am.


Our People with Lived Experience

All Canadian Pain Society committees include people with lived pain experience.  Each member brings their expertise from experiences and strives to uphold and maintain the integrity of the organization as dedicated volunteers.

Together with Pain Canada

Home-base for the eight million people in Canada living with chronic pain and creates new opportunities for action by connecting people, ideas, organizations, and resources to enable a national movement.

Health Canada's Report: An Action Plan for Pain in Canada

Pain Canada was created in response to Health Canada’s 2021 report An Action Plan for Pain in Canada. Among many other recommendations, the Action Plan called for national mechanisms to improve coordination, create community capacity, develop and disseminate pain-related guidance and best practices and to enable collaboration among governments, regulators and health professional organizations, people with lived experience, non-governmental organizations, researchers, employers, and other stakeholders with a role to play in the Action Plan’s implementation.


>>  Read the Full Report

Within the Canadian Pain Society

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The purpose of the Canadian Pain Society (CPS)  Person with Lived Experience (PWLE) inclusion is to uphold the vision and mission of the CPS by providing a formal mechanism for integrating the lived experience perspective of pain and expertise at all levels within CPS. While they may hold roles outside of CPS committees, the primary role of PWLE within CPS Committees is to bring their expertise and perspective of a person with lived pain experience. 

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